
Kindergarten volunteer

Your help is needed here, volunteer at this kindergarten!

On this project you’ll be able to put all your love for children to help kids in Córdoba to grow up in a healthy and loving environment. You’ll also be helping the teachers. You think one child is a handful: can you just imagine how it is like to handle 10 to 15 of them in one room, all at one time? Yes, that’s exactly what a regular day is for a kindergarten care giver and why this project needs you!

You’ll be assisted by the regular staff and other volunteers that have been working there for some time so you will learn a lot about how to deal with such young babies. They need constant attention so when you volunteer it’s good if you know yourself to have a lot of patience and fondness for children.

On top of the direct work with children, it takes a lot of preparation before the kids arrive. There is a lot going on behind the scenes and you can contribute with that too! If you love children this is the perfect project for you since you’ll be able to assist the teacher with any planned and not-so-planned tasks. Working with children, one day is never like the next. As a volunteer the staff will welcome you to help them taking care of the children, playing and preparing activities for them. Your main task will be to provide love and affection but also to challenge the kids with different early education toys.

You need to be prepared!

There are so many things you can do to keep them entertained! By playing with them you’ll help them to develop their listening skills and expand their verbal communication skills. The smallest thing is a learning process for them. For example, by asking kids to clap during a song learn how to beat time audibly to rhythm during singing and recitation. We bet you’re feeling excited already!

Many children come here so they will appreciate an extra hand. You don’t need to be savvy on the matter all you need to do is help in any way they need to and the staff will be happy to teach you. Early stimulation and having an unconditional source of love and attention are the most important thing a child needs to grow as a healthy person. By being there you’ll be helping the children channel their problems and address them and their mothers to have free time to work and make a living. They will feel relieved to know that their children are taken care of by someone so sensitive as you.

This project demands a lot of patience and dedication but will also give you an unforgettable experience to take with you everywhere! Besides, being in a different country you’ll be getting immersed in a new culture and understanding it feeling like a local.

Your role as a volunteer

As a volunteer you’ll be expected to have a predisposition to work in teams with the regular staff and other local and international volunteers. The key to really seize the experience is to be open and to be proactive. Those qualities will be highly valued. Kids will want to know everything about you so you’ll be able to share your background with them and vice versa. On this project you’ll have to show all that love you have for children.


  • Over 18 years old
  •  High school degree
  •  Health insurance, accident and liability
  •  Commitment to the Host Organization,its rules and tasks
  •  Good predisposition to work with children
  •  Ability to adapt to different circumstances and flexibility
  •  Good spirit and lots of energy
  •  Pro-activeand self-motivated
  •  Basic level of Spanish. Keep in mind that tasks will be assigned according to your level of Spanish
  •  Previous experience in social or educational work though not mandatory, will be valued
  • Fulfill with all legal and formal requirements for your Volunteer

Usual volunteer tasks

  •      Watch the children during working hours
    •  Help children with their homework and reading
    •  Assist with the set up and clean up of projects and snack time
    •  Raise vital funds for the project
    •  Prepare recreational activities
    •  Put together presentations and educational games
    •  Spend free time chatting and playing with the children
    •  Assist the teachers and other volunteers on routine tasks
    •  Propose new ideas to improve the day to day work at the organization
    •  Make friendship with the kids
    •  Prepare educational material
    •  Teach the children about your culture
    •  Help preparing meals offered

    The tasks named above will be arranged with every volunteer according to each one’s skills and special abilities.

This volunteering is offered in the following destinations:

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Project Highlights


Help children enjoy the moments

Investing your time and energy working with kids from 0 to 5 that need your love and attention

Provide support

Discover your fondness for children

Create imaginary worlds

Taking care of the children, playing and preparing activities for them

Get a new perspective

Show off your culinary skills by helping out in the kitchen to prepare breakfast, lunch and snack for the children.

Price for this volunteering


205 (*)

(*)This program includes:

  • Travel Assessment
  • Volunteer project placement
  • Intercultural workshop and orientation
  • Volunteer support and advice
  • Weekly tours and recreational activities calendar
  • Volunteer certificate
  • 24/7 emergency phone
  • COINED Tutorship


As a student at this school I have been very satisfied with everything. I have felt that my Spanish has developed so much in such a short time.

Kathy L.
German, 29 years old

This is the second time I come to Argentina and I love it! The School’s facilities are very good, we have internet access and a lot of things.

Alice R.
Brazilian, 22 years old

I stayed in Cordoba for one month and I've got only positive things to say. Nice school and good environment. Everyone has been very nice, teachers and staff.

Rectangle 4 (4)
Nicki H.
Dutch, 26 years old

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