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Reasons Every American Should Learn Spanish

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If you don’t already speak Spanish, you really should consider learning, like, ahora!
Whether you want to improve your job prospects, keep your mind sharp, or explore new cultures without having to rely on Siri to ask for directions, Spanish is the one tool that will help you achieve all of that and more — and we’re not just saying that because we’re Latino Voices.

Spanish is the second-most spoken language in the United States, after English, and is the dominant language in many of our neighboring countries in the Western Hemisphere. It also happens to be an extremely beautiful language that is as useful as it is melodic.
Here are 7 really good reasons why you should learn Spanish. De nada!

1- Stand out in a competitive job market.
A rising number of employers prefer individuals who can speak Spanish fluently. A 2013 survey of high level managers and executives conducted by Strategy + Business found that 96 percent of respondents “thought language skills are either “very important” or “somewhat important” for professional success in the current business environment.”

2- Expand your horizons
With 329 million native speakers, according to Ethnologue, Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language in the world after English. Get to know your hemispheric neighbors in Latin America, and fake your with through Portuguese in Brazil with your new language skills.

3- Work abroad
If working abroad or traveling for work is one of your career goals, learning how to speak Spanish fluently will help you get there. In an increasingly global market, being bilingual will help you speak with international clients, negotiate business deals abroad, and collaborate with experts across the globe.

4- Watch foreign films without reading subtitles
Once you master the Spanish language, you’ll be able to understand the subtleties and get the jokes in real time whenever you watch a film from Latin America or Spain.

5- Improve your cognitive skills
Not only does learning a second language improve your brain, but it helps your mind stay sharp longer. That’s right — several studies show that speaking being bilingual improves cognitive skills unrelated to language.

6- Understand Spanish song lyrics
Want to know what Shakira is saying when she sings in Spanish? Interested in knowing what the salsa song you’re dancing to means? Learn Spanish and find out.

7- Make new friends
The best way to learn how to speak Spanish is by making new friends. Spanish is one of the fastest growing languages worldwide. Learning Spanish may help you out when you’re lost in a new city or get invited to the hottest party. You will be able to meet so many new people and form bonds you would otherwise be unable to. You won’t just be a spectator but someone involved.

Source: huffingtonpost.com

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