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Common Spanish Phrases to Survive Your First Conversation with a Native Speaker (Part II)

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Having a few common Spanish phrases up your sleeve when you are travelling or starting out in the language allows you to experience local culture and hospitality in a completely different way.

You never know, maybe learning these phrases will motivate you to learn to speak Spanish fluently!

Question Words In Spanish
Conversation is a two-way street. So if you want to really connect with people, you need to be able to ask questions. Here the Spanish question words you need to know:

• ¿qué…? – what? (kay)
• ¿cómo…? – how? (KOH-moh)
• ¿cuándo…? – when? (KWAN-doh)
• ¿dónde…? – where? (DON-day)
• ¿quién…? – who? (KEE-en)
• ¿por qué…? – why? (por KAY)
• ¿cuál? – which? (kwal)

It’s a good idea to just memorise these words right away. You’re going to come across them again and again so it’s important you’re comfortable with them.

Pro tip: Question words are always written with an accent and with opening/closing

Here are some examples of questions that are useful to know:
• ¿Como te llamas? – What is your name? (KOH-moh teh yah-mas)
• ¿Qué hora tienes? – What time is it?(kay OH-ra tee-EN-es)
• ¿Qué edad tienes? – How old are you? (kay ay-DAD tee-EN-es)
• ¿Cuántos años tienes? – How old are you? (KWAN-tos AN-yos tee-EN-es)
• ¿De dónde viene? – Where are you from? (de DON-day vee-EN-ay)
• ¿Dónde vives? – Where do you live? (DON-day VEE-ves)
• ¿Tienes hermanos o hermanas? – Do you have brothers or sisters? (tee-EN-es er-MA-nos o er-MA-nas)
• ¿Cuánto cuesta eso? – How much is that? (KWAN-to KWES-ta eso)
• ¿Qué es esto? – What is this? (kay es ES-to)
• ¿Entiende? – Do you understand? (en-tee-EN-day)
• ¿Comprende? – Do you understand? (com-prEN-day)
• ¿Hablas inglés? – Do you speak English? (AB-las in-glAYs)
• ¿Dónde está el baño? – Where is the bathroom? (DON-day es-TAH el BAN-yo)

Talking About Yourself And Answering Questions
Learning how to ask questions in Spanish is all good and well, but if you are dealing with questions, you need to be able to deal with answers too!

Here’s how you can respond to some of the questions above:
• Me llamo… – My name is… (me YA-mo …)
• Mi nombre es… – My name is (mi NOM-bray es …)
• (Yo) tengo … años – I am … years old. (yo TEN-go … AN-yos)
• (Yo) soy de… – I come from …. (yo soy de …)
• Sí – Yes (see)
• No – No (no)
• Tal vez – Maybe (tal ves)
• Siempre – Always (see-EM-pray)
• Nunca – Never (NUN-kah)
• A veces – Sometimes (A VE-says)
• Claro – Of course (KLA-ro)

Dealing With Problems
What should you do when you don’t understand something? Or if you need to ask someone for help? It’s important to know some basic phrases you can use for dealing with problems when they arise.If you need someone to speak more slowly or to repeat something, the best thing to do is just ask them!

• ¿Podría ayudarle? – Can I help you? (poh-DREE-a ay-oo-DAR-le)
• ¿Puede ayudarme? – Can you help me? (PWE-day ay-oo-DAR-may)
• ¡Sin problema! – No problem! (sin prob-LAME-ah)
• ¡Puede repetirlo! – Can you say that again? (PWE-day re-pet-EER-lo)
• No entiendo – I don’t understand! (no en-tee-EN-do)
• No (lo) sé – I don’t know! (no lo say)
• No tengo ni idea – I have no idea! (no TEN-go nee ee-DAY-ah)
• No hablo español – I don’t speak Spanish (no AB-lo es-pan-YOL)
• Estoy perdido – I’m lost (eh-STOY per-DEE-do)
• ¿Qué significa …? – What does … mean? (kay sig-nif-EE-ka)
• Mi español es malo – My Spanish is bad (mi es-pan-yol es MA-lo)
• ¿Puedes hablar más despacio? – Can you speak more slowly? (PWE-des ab-LAR mas des-PATH-ee-o)

Expressions For Special Occasions
There are a number of common expressions that are used regularly to denote special circumstances or for special occasions. These phrases are ideal for events like birthdays, meals with friends or even for ending the conversation:

• ¡Diviértete! – Have fun! (di-vi-EHR-te-te)
• ¡Buen viaje! – Have a good trip! (bwu-en vi-AH-kay)
• ¡Buen provecho! – Bon appetit! (bwu-en pro-VE-choh)
• ¡Muy bien! – Well done! (mwee bee-en)
• ¡Cuídate! – Take care! (kw-EE-dah-tay)
• ¡Felicitaciones! – Congratulations! (fe-lis-i-ta-see-ON-es)
• ¡Bienvenidos! / ¡Bienvenidas! – Welcome! (bee-en-ven-EE-dos / bee-en-ven-EE-das)
• ¡Feliz Cumpleaños! – Happy Birthday! (fe-LEES kump-lay-AN-yos)
• ¡Salud! – Cheers! (Sa-LOOD)

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