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Coined > Blog > Common Spanish Phrases For Social Situations (Part II)

Common Spanish Phrases For Social Situations (Part II)

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Below are some of the most common phrases for you to nail once and for all.

Travel Lingo
When visiting a Spanish-speaking country, having a grasp of some key words or phrases to help you find your way around will always come in handy. Below are some often used phrases to help you with such eventualities. You’ll learn how to navigate a busy city street, a restaurant, the bar counter and public transportation systems.

• I’m lost — Estoy perdido(a)
• Where is the bus station/bank/supermarket? — ¿Dónde está la estación de autobuses / banco / supermercado?
• It is straight ahead — Está más adelante.
• It is to the left / to the right — Está a la izquierda / a la derecha
• It is around the corner — Está a la vuelta

At a restaurant
• I would like to reserve a table for five people — Quisiera reservar una mesa para cinco personas
• A table for two please — Una mesa para dos, por favor
• The menu, please — La carta, por favor
• I would like — … Quisiera…
• Can you bring me a_____, please? — ¿Me trae un(a), por favor? • Can I ask you for a? — ¿Le pido un(a)_?
• A beer / a glass of wine, please — Una cerveza / una copa de vino, por favor
• I am hungry — Tengo hambre
• I am thirsty — Tengo sed

• At what time does the bus / train arrive? — ¿A qué hora llega el tren / el autobús?
• A single ticket for_____, please — Un billete sencillo / pasaje de ida para_____, por favor
• A round trip ticket for_____, please — Un billete / pasaje de ida y vuelta para_____, por favor
• Have a safe journey! — ¡Buen viaje!
• Have a great holiday! — ¡Felices vacaciones!

There’s nothing nicer than being able to give good wishes to your Spanish-speaking friends, or maybe to impress your English-speaking ones! Whatever the occasion, here’s a list of phrases to learn for those all-important moments:

• Happy Easter — ¡Felices Pascuas!
• Happy Christmas — ¡Feliz Navidad!
• Happy New Year — ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
• Happy Birthday — ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
• Cheers! — ¡Salud!
• Congratulations! — ¡Felicitaciones!

And Lastly, Widely-used Spanish Phrases
Below are a few final phrases that are widely used and definitely should be added to your Spanish memory bank:

• Where’s the bathroom? — ¿Dónde está el baño?
• Shall we go for a drink? — ¿Vamos a tomar una copa?
• How much does this cost? — ¿Cuánto cuesta?
• Don’t worry — ¡No te preocupes!
• Good luck! — ¡Suerte!
• Sorry! — ¡Lo siento!
• Excuse me — Disculpe (to get someone’s attention) / Perdón (to excuse yourself)
• Do you speak English? — ¿Hablas inglés?
• Thank you — Gracias
• You’re welcome — De nada
• Don’t worry about it — No pasa nada
• I don’t understand — No entiendo
• No problem — No hay problema
• That’s a shame — Es una lástima
• I don’t know — No sé
• Quick! — ¡Rápido!

Source: fluentu.com

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