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8 Spanish Phrases Everyone Should Know How to Use

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Visiting a Spanish-speaking country anytime soon? Or just want to bone up on your Español? These are the everyday terms to master.

1- Where is the bathroom? – ¿Dónde esta el baño?
Pronounced: DOHN-deh ehs-TA el BAH-neeo
This question is bound to come up, so it’s a good one to keep in your hip pocket.

2- Call 911 – ‘Llame al 911’
Pronounced: Ya-Me Al New-A-Vay Uno Uno
This is a phrase that we hope never to utter, but it’s good to know just in case.

3- How much does this cost? ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Pronounced: KWAN-Toe KWES-tuh
Shopping makes the world go around, and whether you are visiting a foreign land purchasing souvenirs or somewhere closer to home, asking how much an item costs will certainly come in handy. Other phrases including Necesito cambio, por favor (I need change, please) or ¿Tiene cambio? (Do you have change?) can also help with transactions.

4- See you later! – Hasta luego!
Pronounced: AHS-ta looEH-go
“Hasta mañana” is another way of seeing see you later (or tomorrow), both which are customary and polite ways of saying good-bye in Spanish.

5- Good morning – Buenos días
Pronounced: booEHN-os DEE-as
This is the best way to greet a Spanish speaking person in the AM.
Buenas tardes (pronounced booEHN-as TAR-dehs) means “good afternoon,” and buenas noches (booEHN-as NO-chehs) is “good evening.”

6- Excuse me – Con permiso or Perdóname
Pronounced: Kohn pehr-MEE-soh OR pehr-DOH-nah-meh
Interrupting is rude in any language or country. If you have a pressing question or concern, be as polite as possible by using these phrases.

7- I am allergic to: – Soy alérgico(a) a _____
Pronounced: Soy Allergic-O a
It’s important to be prepared when traveling or eating at a new restaurant. Fill in the blank with the allergen, whether peanuts, eggs, or dairy. (Peanut is cacahuete pronounced Ca-Ca-Wet-Tay. Maní—pronounced Man-ee—can also be used for ‘peanut.’)

8- I do not understand. – No comprendo
Pronounced: yoh no kom-PREN-doh
When in doubt, this is always good phrase to know.

Sourse: www.rd.com

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